Weighbridge Automation

This system allows full control of vehicle movement, driver allocation and product distribution between preselected yards.

This is accomplished by the use of custom written software namely WeighproX and the use of booms, RF Tag units, traffic lights and PTZ camera hardware just to name a few.

Both these features are combined into one intelligent package that is fully controllable over the internet.


RF Tag Reader

Allowing access to the weighbridge by an tag that is issued to the vehicle to control on and offloading of product.


Boom gate

Allow vehicular access through a controlled point to access the weighbridge and can be linked to RF tag control system for automated boom gates.


Traffic Control Robots

Visual instructions by means of the traffic light allowing the vehicle to proceed on to the weighbridge to be weighed.

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PTZ Camera

To take a snapshot of the load before and after offloading for quality control.



For Automated system for easy selection of the predefined departure site and the product to be weighed. Touchkiosk will also take a picture of the driver.


Quantum Weighbridge

Once a stable weight is registered by the system, the boom will automatically open, allowing the truck to proceed into the yard for offloading.