Software & Management Solutions

Quantum Weighing Technologies provides the most advanced software true our sister company Lariat Technologies on the market today. There are various standard packages designed for industry specific applications. Additional requirements are accommodated by our in-house IT department.

From basic weigh-in solutions to fully automated unmanned weighbridges.

Heavy vehicle on a Weighbridge

With only one android tablet, blue-tooth hip slip printer and a mobile scale, you can start your company. Go to where the business is. View and manage your pricing and transactions via your secure web login. Manage your whole bucket shop with one android tablet, IP slip printer and IP scale cameras. View and manage your pricing and transactions via your secure web login.

Software & Management Solutions

With only one PC you can control up to 2 platform scales and 2 cameras that take snapshots of every product. You can also add the Lariat iProX ID scanner as well as a slip printer that will save you time and money.


The Premium package allows you to add our popular All-In-One heavy duty Touch kiosk anywhere in the recycle yard. This system consists of an integrated touch screen, slip printer, ID scanner and an automatic login tag reader for every employee.


An important feature of the Ultimate edition is the unmanned Weighbridge control. RecycleProX will automatically control the weigh-in of the truck by means of IR tags, booms, beams and a PTZ camera.

Update and manage multiple office sites, mobile devices as well as tablets from one html website. With a secure connection you can view and manage all your sites across the country from anywhere in the world.
